Glui drives high quality lead generation for Hyundai in an industry first with transactional skins.

conversion rate from users that engaged with Glui unit

of total leads came from. the Glui unit creative

of leads validated

With a growing demand in Europe for electric vehicles, Hyundai UK has an ambitious objective to increase market share in the coming years. The brand is heavily investing into innovative technologies for customer acquisition across digital channels and focusing on its first party data strategy.

Hyundai UK’s digital marketing team collaborated with Glui, data technology platform, and GumGum, contextual digital advertising company, to deliver fully transactional desktop skins. This allowed users to book a test drive for two electric models from directly within the advert unit in three simple steps.

Glui’s integration with Driftrock, lead validation software, allowed Hyundai to obtain high quality lead directly into their CRM. Glui’s dashboard showed a clear view of the media performance and user drop-off to enable real-time campaign optimisation. Hyundai is leading innovation within the automotive industry and leveraging data through technological partnerships.